No Children Should Go Hungry

Although Simoshi’s Project Activity registered with the Gold Standard achieves 9 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it does not monitor SDG2 “Zero hunger”, the global issue of hunger and food insecurity that has shown an alarming increase since 2015, a trend exacerbated by a combination of factors including the pandemic, conflict, climate change, and deepening inequalities.

Nevertheless, the indirect contribution the project makes towards this goal comes through the monetary savings a school achieves when moving away from a 3-stone fire to the energy efficient cook stoves. A school with approximately 800 day students will save $1,200 in firewood not purchased.

This means more money can be spent in urgent needs such as food. The role of school feeding their students is crucial. It results in increased enrolment and improved retention. It also improves cognitive abilities and learning capacity, and reduces absenteeism. The meals provide nutrients necessary for brain development, reducing anaemia and stunting, and increasing immunity. These results are even more pronounced for girls and children living in poverty, defined as living on less than a dollar a day.