Working conditions are both the physical and the psychological conditions that workers are exposed to while performing a job. When we talk about conditions, we refer to everything in and around that working environment the employee is exposed to. They can also significantly impact the employee’s health and safety, mental wellbeing and productivity.
It never stops to amaze us the poor working environment that cooks are exposed to in the traditional school kitchens. Using traditional cook stoves means that the smoke generated from poor firewood combustion is equivalent to smoking two packages of cigarettes per day.
Employees always lack protective gear, and are prone to getting burnt from the dangerous fire flames raging from all sides.
Ashes and soot are floating around, the heat is unbearable and the pressure to get the food on time only makes such work more stressful.
This job is badly remunerated, the average salary is currently USD 50.00 per month, Monday to Saturday.
The pictures below are the sad representation of what 90% of kitchens in Uganda look like. Turning such miserable conditions need effort and dedication, and we are committed to making the work place a dignified environment as many individuals and organizations continue to push towards achieving their sustainability goals through the purchase of carbon credits.