Closing Monitoring Report

We are busy closing our fourth monitoring report, which includes figures and achievements from the year 2022. As we give the final touches to the long Word document that will be handed over to the auditor (or VVB) for verification purposes, we thought of sharing the impact made throughout this year thanks to the 95 schools that are operating the institutional improved cook stoves (IICS) under our Project Activity:

  • 10,330 tons of CO2 not emitted into the atmosphere

  • 12,752 tons of firewood reduced

  • 236 cooks confirmed better air quality

  • 158 women trained on the IICS benefits

  • Ugandan shillings 258,840,999 saved by schools on firewood not purchased

  • 545 training sessions conducted, 393 kitchen staff trained, 570 kitchen training assessments made, ensuring a safe cooking and learning environment for both cooks and children who usually get food served from the kitchen

Stay tuned as we keep on sharing the progress made this year on all of our supported schools and the amazing impact achieved on the 9 Sustainable Development Goals!