In Smaller Versions for Homes

Over the past two years Simoshi has changed and sustained the cooking habits in 40 schools in Uganda, through its registered Project Activity with the Clean Development Mechanism and The Gold Standard “Institutional Improved Cook Stoves for Schools and Institutions in Uganda”. The use of social innovation and new technologies implemented in schools through the use of an institutional improved cook stove (IICS) over time provides an added value, especially when addressing the younger generation. Children spend a large part of their time in school.

We aim to develop a marketing channel through the existing school audience, addressing the benefits of clean, efficient, affordable, high-quality and durable cooking solutions to build the perception, motivation and behavior for the children to transfer that knowledge back to their households, hence changing social behavior towards more efficient cooking practices by adopting an improved cook stove (ICS), in the same way this has been achieved in schools kitchens.

We are currently running a pilot project introducing the new Ugastove Dual Fuel ICS in some of our participating schools, learning from teachers and best ways on approaching parents, to ensure ICS are available to all.

St. Paul Buloba Primary School, last week, picking a lot of interest from the female teachers, but our only gentleman looking away :)